Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembering Those Who Fought

It is easy to forget Why we get to do the things we do, and enjoy the things we love. The freedom we sometimes take for grantd did not come easy. It was earned and protected by the men and women of our armed forces. Everyone has had a family member, or knew someone that had a family member in a war this country has fought to help bring freedom to each and everyone of us. Without that freedom, I wouldn't be able to write what's on my mind, if I was able, you more than likely wouldn't have the freedom to read it.

I myself, like a lot of people, have a long strong military history in my family(myself excluded) and for that I'm thankful. Without them, and ALL VERTERANS we wouldn't be the great country we are today.

So VERTERANS DAY is their day, their time to look back and be proud of what they have accomplished. Tomorrow, if you see someone who is a VERTERAN, stop them, shake their hand, and thank them for their service and sacrifice. Show them the respect they have earned and deserve. Because without them, we would have nothing we have today!

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